To make an order on our site, you need to select one or more products and add them to the basket, after which you need to confirm the order. You can also make an order by phone or by contacting us in any way that is convenient.
Orders on the site are accepted 24 hours a day.
When ordering, you must specify your full name, phone number and delivery address, and send measurements for sewing products. Measurements can be taken using our measurement chart.
You will be contacted by an associate shortly after your order, with whom you will be able to discuss the order details, select the product package, payment and delivery method, as well as to agree on the date when the order is ready.
The term of completion of the order is stipulated with each customer separately and depends on many factors. (Availability of materials, complexity of work, number of orders, etc.)
The order is considered confirmed after payment of 50% of the amount or full prepayment. When paying 50% of the advance payment, the balance is to be paid when the product is completed and ready for shipping.
You can pay by; PayPal, SWIFT, WESTERN UNION, MONEYGRAM, RIA, INTEL EXPRESS, VISA, MasterCard or to a bank account (payment is available in all banks of the world).